Woolfolk Library Policies


The Crittenden County Library System (CCLS) provides check-out privileges to persons in our county. Patrons must provide a valid state issued ID and a piece of mail (utility bill, car insurance, bank statement, car registration, etc.) that matches the address on their ID.  If the ID has a difference address, two pieces of mail with the correct address must be provided.   Under certain circumstances, CCLS provides check-out privileges to persons outside our county.  Students who are enrolled in educational institutions in our county but who are domiciled outside that area and persons who have cards through the Gateway Program are also eligible for CCLS library cards.

Those living in another county but working in Crittenden county and students in the same category may receive the same services as property owners in the county if they provide proof of either working in our service area or being enrolled in an educational facility in our county. CCLS participates in the Gateway Program, which allows individuals who have a library card with a participating library system to get a library card from any other library system in the program.

CCLS recognizes that other persons in our county who do not meet these guidelines desire check-out privileges. Therefore, persons with temporary addresses at shelters or similar facilities in our county may check materials under the following rules. A person requesting a card must provide CCLS with documentation from the shelter or service facility that he or she is a temporary resident. Anyone with a temporary address may check out and have in his or her possession a maximum of five items. Any person who does not have a temporary address may check out and have in his or her possession one item.

CCLS offers several library card options for youth. Children over 8 years of age may be issued individual cards with parent’s/guardian’s permission. Parent/guardian signature is not required for applicants who are 18 years of age or older and meet ID requirements.


It is the goal of CCLS to provide reasonable check-out privileges while recognizing our duty to insure (1) that materials the system owns are returned to the library and (2) that there is a reasonable expectation that delinquent/stolen materials can be recovered with a minimum amount of loss and/or expense.  Patrons may have in their possession a maximum of 20 books and/or audio books.

Any patron who has accumulated more than $1 in fines will have his/her borrowing privileges suspended until his/her record has been cleared.

CCLS may restrict or deny check out privileges for anyone who violates library rules.

CCLS also reserves the right to waive any of the aforementioned rules if special circumstances make such a waiver advisable.


Reasonable fees and charges have been determined by the Assistant Director, with the approval of the Director, for the following items:

Overdue Items
Adult Books, Juvenile Books, and Audio CDs – 10¢/day with $5 maximum per item (when returned in good condition)

Lost/Damaged Items
Books: Full replacement cost
Audio CDs: Full replacement cost
Audio CD Containers/All CD cases – $5.00

Other Charges
Lost Cards – $5 replacement fee
Returned Checks – $22.50 per check; original charge and returned check fee must be paid in cash

Materials returned more than 6 months after the latest due date will no longer be eligible for payment of the maximum overdue charge, but will be assessed the full replacement cost for the item.

Charges for lost or damaged materials are based upon the average replacement cost per item. As the cost for new materials increases, replacement costs will rise correspondingly.

In some circumstances, the branch or department manager may allow patrons to replace lost or damaged items with an exact replacement in lieu of paying the standard fee.

The total charge will be refunded if the item is returned in good condition up to six months from the date the item was paid for. Check the library record to verify the date and amount of payment, and verify the identity of the person requesting the refund.

Rev. 04.02.24